The Seminar is jointly organized by the Asociación Española para la Defensa de la Competencia, the Círculo dos Advogados Portugueses de Direito da Concorrência, the Osservatorio Permanente sull’Applicazione delle Regole di Concorrenza, and the Association Francaise d’Etude de la Concurrence.
The topics will include:
- Procedural issues: Powers of investigation and sanction by Competition Authorities
- Claims for damages. The impact of Directive 2014/14/EU
- The Impact of Competition laws on e-commerce and sharing economy
The panelists will include representatives of Competition Authorities, Judges and leading practitioners.
For information please contact:
Registration Details:
Prior registration is needed in order to attend the Seminar.
All interested persons must confirm their registration by sending an e-mail to Ms. Ana Rodríguez Sevilla: (Tel: +34 915860657), indicating full name and surname, professional position and company/law firm, together with their basic contact details (preferably e-mail).
There is no registration fee to attend the seminar. However, effective registration is subject to the limited capacity of the hosting venue. Deadline for registration: 10th November 2015.
Those participants in the seminar wishing to attend the dinner to be hold on Thursday 19th November in Madrid should expressly indicate that when registering. Attendance to the dinner shall be subject to a prior payment of 50 € in favour of the AEDC. The payment can be done by banking transfer in favour of the Asociacion Española para la Defensa de la Competencia (AEDC), in the following bank account, IBAN: 57 0081 0569 83 0001416844 / Swift: BSABESBB, indicating your name, surname and “Dinner 19 November”. Payment should be received before 6th November 2015.