L’Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato (AGCM) ha deliberato che anche per l’anno 2016 il contributo all’onere derivante dal funzionamento dell’Autorità sarà fissato nella misura dello 0,06 per mille del fatturato risultante dall’ultimo bilancio approvato dalle società di capitali con ricavi totali superiori a 50 milioni di euro.
L’AGCM ha altresì deliberato che la soglia massima di contribuzione a carico di ciascuna impresa non può essere superiore a cento volte la misura minima e, quindi, non superiore a 300 mila euro.
Così procedendo, l’AGCM ha nei fatti confermato il contributo già previsto per il 2015.
Il provvedimento è disponibile qui: Contributo AGCM 2016.
Fonte: AGCM
Autore: Carlo Edoardo Cazzato
Carlo Edoardo Cazzato graduated in law from the University of Bari “Aldo Moro” with top marks (J.D. 2005). He also gained a PhD in Commercial Law at the same University and holds a Postgraduate Diploma in EU Competition Law and an LL.M. in International Business Law at King’s College London and De Montfort University of Leicester respectively. After his internship at the Italian Competition Authority (AGCM), he practised at Studio Legale Libertini – Scognamiglio, DLA Piper and Lipani Catricalà & Partners, where in 2017 he became the coordinator of the antitrust and regulatory practice. He joined Orsingher Ortu Avvocati Associati as a partner in 2021. Edoardo assists clients on a wide range of issues in the field of European and Italian antitrust, competition, merger control and consumer law. He acquired a broad experience in TLC and regulated sectors such as media, energy and pharmaceuticals, advising clients before the AGCM, the European Commission, the Italian Administrative and Civil Courts and the European Courts. Since 2019, Edoardo has been a Non-Governmental Advisor of the European Commission’s DG Competition. He is Adjunct Professor of Antitrust Law at the Mercatorum University and the author of several publications on competition law, including a handbook and a monographic work. He was admitted to practice in 2009 and, since 2021, he has rights of appearance before the Italian Supreme Court. Edoardo speaks English and has a basic knowledge of French.